Year 6 – Upper Key Stage 2
Year 6
Everyone remembers their final year of primary school with some fondness. Year 6 is a prominent time in a child’s life; they will develop more independence and a huge amount of resilience and maybe even start walking to and from school on their own! Personally, it is my favourite year group to teach – a time when children begin to ask questions about their learning and feel strongly about their own opinions.
- Spoken language – listen and respond, justify and articulate, discuss, present and evaluate
- Word reading – build vocabulary and understanding of unfamiliar words
- Comprehension – reading a wide range of books across different genres, drawing inferences, asking questions, summarising, predicting and analysing language and discussing author techniques
- Transcription – silent letters, homophones, using dictionaries and thesauruses
- Handwriting – writing legibly, fluently and with increasing speed
- Composition – planning, drafting and evaluating, using different genres, tense consistency, wide ranging punctuation and growing vocabulary
- Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation – expanded noun phrases, semi colons, colons, bullet points, active and passive verbs, relative clauses and parenthesis
- Number and place value – read, write and order number up to ten million, use negative numbers in context to solve problems
- Addition and subtraction – use estimation to check answers, use formal written methods to solve multi-step problems
- Multiplication and division – multiply and divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digits, mental calculations, multi-step problems and recognising common factors, multiples and primes
- Fractions – use common factors to simplify, multiply and divide fractions by whole numbers, decimal places, fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents including percentages of amounts and increases/ decreases
- Measurement – convert between miles and kilometres, perimeter and area investigations, volume and converting between standard units
- Shape – compare and classify shapes according to their properties and sizes, name parts of a circle, calculate the size of angles in triangles and quadrilaterals, describe the position of coordinates on a four-quadrant grid, and reflect and translate shapes accordingly
- Statistics – construct and interpret pie charts and line graphs and use to solve problems, calculate the mean as an average
- Ratio and proportion – solve problems using the relative sizes of two quantities, solve problems involving percentages, understand and use scale factors
- Algebra – use simple formulae, describe linear number sequences, and express missing numbers algebraically
Did you know that…
In May, Year 6 children complete a number of assessment tasks and the results of these will determine whether your child has met the ‘expected’ level in English and maths. For maths, this includes things like simple algebra, missing angles in a range of shapes, and pie charts using percentages. In English, children are expected to understand how to use a full range of punctuation, to write with a wide variety of sentence structures, use powerful vocabulary, and have generally accurate spelling.
Schools spend much of Year 6 ensuring that children are prepared in time, without the children realising and for most children, it is a stress-free time with lots of fun and valuable learning to be had. Whether your child is working towards, at expected or aiming for greater depth, we can help them reach their full potential. Our Year 6 lessons have been carefully planned to revise and consolidate on the learning carried out in school and also to begin to prepare the children for the transition to Year 7.
Group Classes
Please click here to see our full class schedule.
What Our Parents Say…
“I just thought you’d like to know that I sat in on Phoebe’s school maths lesson today. She used what she had learned during her tutor sessions “draw a dinosaur head, dinosaur lays an egg!” She said to me “I used to think of Maths as the enemy, but now I’m feeling better about it.”
“Just got off a Zoom for parents evening with Jonah’s teacher. It is one of the best reports he’s ever had. He’s doing really well in all areas, his reading is excelling and his joy of books is really growing. His confidence is leaping and he’s making really excellent progress across all aspects of his learning. So just wanted to thank you as it’s clearly down to the involvement he’s had with the Golden Brain and his hard work too.”
“Ruby really enjoyed her first lesson. She was actually really excited to tell me all about it when she finished. She said you made it really fun. It was actually nice that you went over place value as she is comfortable with this so a nice way to ease her into your class. She is looking forward to next week already.”
“I just wanted to let you know I received Olivia’s end-of-year report today and after 7 years she finally finishes Primary school and her levels in all subjects are secure or exceeding. Not a single Emerging tick in sight. I’m so proud of what she has achieved which has been a long road, but she got there. I’m so grateful to you for your help in the last year, by far the best tutor she has had over the years.”
“Ali and her team are amazing. Ali goes to strengths to help and I appreciated the hard work and effort she goes to, so our kids get great interesting learning. Thanks for all your support.”