Year 3 – Lower Key Stage 2
Year 3
This is the first year of ‘Lower’ Key stage 2 and marks quite a change in the way children learn and the expectations upon them. In the summer holidays after Year 2, we run transition classes to help children prepare for these changes so they can hit the ground running in September.
Our Year 3 teachers have also taught in Year 2 and Year 4, so know where the children have come from and where they are headed – this helps significantly with progression and allows our Year 3 children to reach the stars.
- Spoken language – listening, responding appropriately, participating, explaining and questioning
- Word reading – build on KS1 knowledge and extend vocabulary
- Comprehension – retrieval, prediction, inference, sequencing, summarising, justifying and explaining
- Handwriting – increasing consistency, legibility and quality – building volume and writing stamina
- Transcription – using dictionaries, prefixes, suffixes, apostrophes for possession and dictation
- Composition – discussing, planning, composing, organising, characters, settings and plot, evaluating and editing
- Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation – extending sentences using conjunctions, building vocabulary, using adverbs and prepositions, avoiding repetition and using a range of punctuation including commas for fronted adverbials
- Number and place value – read, write and order numbers up to 1000, partitioning 3-digit numbers, solve number problems
- Addition and subtraction – add and subtract 2 and 3-digit numbers using column method, missing numbers and estimation
- Multiplication and division – times tables, multiplying and dividing two and three- digit numbers by 1-digit – using formal written methods (bus stop!)
- Fractions – counting up and down in tenths, finding simple fractions of amounts, adding and subtracting and equivalent fractions
- Measurement – using standard units to measure, time-telling to the nearest five minutes in digital and analogue, counting and problem solving with money
- Measurement – measure, compare, add and subtract lengths, masses and capacities, roman numerals, giving change, telling the time to the nearest minute, compare different times and events
- Shape – draw and make 2D and 3D shapes, introduction to the “Angles Family”, horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines
- Statistics – interpret and present data in different ways
Did you know that…
Your child will focus less on phonics and instead on understanding and learning spelling rules. In maths, children will be introduced to the column method and will learn their times tables more formally. With no statutory assessments, it should be a fun, rewarding and pressure-free year.
Group Classes
Please click here to see our full class schedule.
What Our Parents Say…
“You’ve been amazing, and your enthusiasm for the different subjects has been infectious! We can see how much effort you put into each class to keep it educational yet at the same time fun, and all through a channel (e.g. remotely on screen) that normally wouldn’t feel natural to children. So really well done to you and your team.”
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you yourself and all Nyla teachers for what great job you’re doing. Nyla loves her lessons never moans complains after day full at school and other little chores she does to go do her lesson it’s like she has extra energy and enjoys every minute. Thank you from all of us.”
“You are amazing at what you do. You really have made a huge difference to Christos and finding you by chance was like hitting the jackpot!! Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and high standard of teaching with my son. Both his father and I can see already how much he has improved.”