Year 2 – Key Stage 1

Year 2

Year 2 children tend to feel very grown up as they are the ‘big children’ of Key Stage 1. It is a particularly important year for laying the foundations of learning for the future. For many parents, this can be an emotional time, as their child prepares for the end of their stage as an infant. It is a wonderful year with children making great leaps and bounds in progress in a noticeably short time. This final year of KS1 will see your child being encouraged to work more independently and we can help to prepare them for this.


  • Spoken language – enhancing speaking and listening skills, using standard English and explanation
  • Word reading – continue with phonics building – decoding and blending, reading with increasing fluency and exception (tricky) words
  • Comprehension – retrieval, prediction, inference, sequencing and expressing opinions about books
  • Handwriting –formation, using diagonal and horizontal joined-up strokes and spacing between words
  • Transcription -homophones, suffixes, spelling and dictation
  • Composition – stories, poems, non-fiction, planning, evaluating and improving
  • Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation – capital letters, full stops, exclamation and question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contraction and possession, sentence types and tense consistency


  • Number and place value – read, write and order numbers above 100, counting forwards and backwards in steps, place value – partitioning into tens and ones
  • Addition and subtraction – numbers bonds up to 100, inverses, adding and subtracting one and two digit numbers
  • Multiplication and division – 2, 5 and 10 times tables, simple problems, arrays, practical activities
  • Fractions – identify and use simple fractions and begin to understand equivalence
  • Measurement – using standard units to measure, time-telling to the nearest five minutes in digital and analogue, counting and problem solving with money
  • Shape – identify and describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and sort
  • Position and direction – patterns, sequences, rotation (including clockwise and anti-clockwise turns)
  • Statistics -construct and interpret pictograms, tally charts and block diagrams, comparing data

Did you know that…

At the end of Year 2, all pupils will take SATs in reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar), and maths. The reading test is made up of two papers, each worth 50% of the marks. The SPAG test consists of two papers; one is a spelling test of approximately 15 minutes and the other focuses on punctuation and grammar.

The maths test is also split into two papers. The first is arithmetic where the basic understanding of place value and number is tested. The second is reasoning, where children need to apply their problem-solving and reasoning skills to show their understanding.

Group Classes

Please click here to see our full class schedule.

What Our Parents Say…

“Sofia wanted to share her Head Teachers Award with Andrea. She got it today from her Headmaster and Teacher to say well done for all her hard work with her home schooling. We could not have done it without Andrea and her amazing teaching, support, input and encouragement. Andrea is a fantastic teacher and an even better human being and we are so lucky to have her in Sofia’s life. We would not be able to make it without her. She is such an asset to your organisation. We are so grateful to her. We love her classes and we love her!”

Maria Boned – Mum of Sofia Year 2

Frequently Asked Questions

Children all develop at different rates and many children simply aren’t ready to learn until after their seventh birthday, which is why many countries don’t start formal schooling until then. Our suggestion would be for your daughter to join our Year 1 and Year 2 maths classes, so we can close any gaps whilst still providing access to her current curriculum too. The National Curriculum is jam-packed, forcing teachers in school to move quickly through. This means many children are not given the time they need to fully grasp concepts. We can provide that extra consolidation.
Having taught children in a classroom for over twenty years, I was initially unsure of how online teaching would work for our younger students. I could not have been more wrong! All our students love their lessons, which are interactive and engaging throughout. Our highly experienced teachers know how children learn best and ensure that every child in the group is participating to the highest degree. We offer a complimentary trial lesson first so that you can observe how your son engages and promise you will not be disappointed.

Arrange an online teacher today!